About The Shell Lady

Lynnette Stirling lives near beautiful North Padre Island along the coast of Texas. She loves spending countless hours on the beach year round, & is a true Beach Bum! She typically has a shell in her pocket, & sand in between her toes. Lynnette says she feels a little closer to heaven on the beach & wherever her journey in life takes her, she hopes its near the sea. Her family supports her love of the beach to the fullest extent.
The island life is therapeutic to her spirit, mind, and body. She fights a chronic neuro/auto-immume disease, that has been deemed to be much like Multiple Sclerosis, which first appeared in 1997. She has good days, even months, but has been deep in the illness for the past four years. She always says her body may be broken, but her spirit is alive and well! She continually pushes to do more, & has never-ending, multiple paged ‘to do’ /creating lists at all times.  She has to operate when her body allows her to.  She no longer has the luxury of doing everyday things that many take granted of.  She has learned to live every minute for the moment and take advantage of her creative side and find peace and joy in ‘the little things in life’.

She loves the island life with it’s bright and sunny days. She’s am drawn to the sea and its broad shorelines.  Lynnette finds a lot of inspiration in my surroundings.  The island is a small community, with lots of things to do and to keep busy.  Lynnette spends her mornings sitting in the sun on her porch over looking the water, and her evenings doing much the same. Getting out outside near the water and enjoying the beauty in God’s creations is one of her favorite things.  She loves gardening and incorporating the rich, tropical plants that make the coast come alive.

Lynnette has an old style soul & is a vintage girl at heart. She owned an antique & second hand store for over 4 years. She closed the shop in 2004 when her illness became overwhelming but definitely dreams of owning a quaint, little shop by the sea where she envisions creating, & sharing her treasures- vintage and coastal inspired decor alike.
Lynnette loves to use many vintage, antique, & repurposed items in her coastal artwork. She is a hard core individual about recycling, reusing, & reducing any excess in her home & lifestyle. Her family assists in that passion. She has three amazing children, is married to her best friend, & cares for her disabled father while trying to fight the illness that has plagued her for so many years, all while bringing you the outstanding and creative artwork & coastal products you love.

She likes spending time walking on the beach, fishing, watching birds, and of course, looking for new sea shells.

We have an Etsy shop called SeaShellsbySeaShore and our main website/store Loving Coastal Living.

We sell Sea Inspired Art & Home Decor, Loose Sea Life/Shells, Photography, Mermaid Jewelry and Hair Accessories, Vintage Goodies and other ‘Good Stuff’.  The Shell Lady is a vintage girl at heart, so she couldn’t resist sharing some ‘treasures’ with everyone!  The ‘Good Stuff’ reference is devoted to The Shell Lady’s late grandfather, her Papa Tractor.

This site focuses on not only The Shell Lady’s work but getting know to others artists, fun money saving tips & recycling and reusing, home decorating advice, and other tidbits from her business life, family & personal favorites.

Join us for the journey – We’ll can guarantee it’ll take us all close to the beach!

5 Responses to About The Shell Lady

  1. 4otomo says:

    Hi Lynette, Thank you for once again stopping by my blog, and taking the time to leave a comment – appreciated:-)

  2. 4otomo says:

    Hi! Lynette, Thanks again for your kind comments on my blog :-), yes, with pleasure if you’d like to share them on your blog 🙂

  3. myaphotoblog says:

    The stuff you sell is so lovely! I wish i lived by the coast !

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